Cheat Gold
1 . Buka Cheat Engine/Open Cheat Engine (Cheat Engine 6.1)
2. Buka Ninja Saga/Open Ninja Saga
3. Pilih Karakter/Select Character
4. Buka Profil Karaktermu/Open Profile Yours Character
5. Tulis uangmu di Cheat Engine/Write Gold in Cheat Engine
6. Setelah muncul Address masuklah ke Kage Room/After appearing Address go to Kage Room
7. Jalankan misi level 1/Run level 1 mission
8. Setelah Selesai misi level 1 di cheat engine cari uangmu yang sekaran
sudah menambah setelah misi level 1/After the Finish mission 1 level in
cheat engine search for money that have now been added after the
mission level 1
9. Jika sudah ketemu klik address tersebut dan address akan berpindah
kebawah/If you have found click on the address and the address will move
10. Gantilah address tersebut sesuai keinginanmu misal 1000000/Replace the address as you wish eg 1000000
11. Di ninja saga masuk ke Kage Room lalu keluar dan uangmu menjadi
1000000/At the ninja saga into Room Kage went out and your money becomes